Rough on the outside, soft and chewy scone-like inside, tangy Apricot and Yogurt Oatmeal ‘Cookies’ are good for breakfast
or to keep you going in the afternoon you could easily have a couple with your afternoon tea.
These cookies that aren’t really cookies but more like mini oatmeal scones as they don’t contain egg and the ratio of dry to wet ingredients, came about as I have a load of dried fruit left over from making lham lahlou, a pot of yogurt that was on the turn and who doesn’t have a bag of porridge oats during winter?
I was unable to find anything on pinterest so after a quick google search I found this recipe on spark people.
Not being one for diethood didn’t put me off these cookies in the slightest, they are sweet but not overly so and the tang from the apricot and yogurt is refreshing, if that’s even possible in cookie form.
To add to the tanginess I didn’t have any brown sugar to hand, my tin of black treacle / molasses that I would normally use to home make brown sugar had gone in the bin long ago however, I did have a bottle of pomegranate molasses sitting around that worked out just as well, on this occasion.