I was amazed when my husband brought home a bottle of camelicious camels milk from his recent shopping trip in Sheffield, UK!
Yes you read that right UK is now stocking camels milk all be it pasteurized camels milk, RAW as we all should know is better for us and no doubt tastes better but P.L.E.A.S.E try to look on this as a positive rather than a foreign invasion.
Here’s what camelicious based in United Arab Emirates have to say about Camel Milk
The Tradition
Camel milk is extremely nutritious. Bedouins used it in their traditional and healthy staple diet until the mid-20th century. It offers all the proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates required to face the harsh desert life. Bedouins also used camel fat and milk as sun protection.Camel milk is low in fat. The fat content is approx. 50% lower than in cow’s milk. Camel milk contains a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy for the human body since they, among other benefits, help reducing cholesterol to aid healthy cardio-vascular functioning.Camel milk is rich in natural vitamin C. The content of this immune boosting vitamin is 3 to 5 times higher than in cow’s milk. There are no known allergies to camel milk, as opposed to common allergies to cow milk, which is a clear advantage.The unique attributes of camel milk especially in regards to health and beauty are very encouraging. In current studies, camel milk has been proved to have positive effects on patients with Diabetes Type II, Hepatitis and autoimmune diseases. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids, lanolin and minerals such as Calcium make camel milk a health and beauty product by itself.
Despite it costing a small fortune, £5+ for 500ml it’s definitely worth a try.
I found the camel milk a pleasant taste. It’s somewhat lighter, less creamy tasting than whole or full-fat (pasteurized) cows milk and I found it to be less sweet so great if you’re looking for a healthier option for your morning corn flakes.
To give camel milk a true review I would first have to taste both RAW camel and cows milk.
I first heard of humans consuming camels milk from Noor’s blog ya salaam cooking and she’s blessed to taste RAW fresh camel’s milk and says it’s definitely creamy and sweet. Check out her Camelccino and if I get my hands on more camels milk I would love to try her camels milk and date scones.
I did something really simple with my bottle of camels milk and that is make hot chocolate.
It went down well with the kids after a cold winters day at the park.
Camel Milk Hot Chocolate
Table of Contents
- 500ml camel milk
- 1/4 teaspoon concentrated halal vanilla extract
- 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- sugar, to taste (you could use vanilla sugar if you haven’t extract)
- ground cinnamon
- Put a teaspoon of cocoa in each cup and a splash of cold camels milk stir to a smooth paste.
- In a saucepan warm the rest of your milk with the vanilla over medium heat until almost boiling, remove and pour into the cups whilst stirring.
- Sweeten to taste and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.
- instead of 2 cups you could use 1 kilner jar cup & 2 straws!