As-Salaamu Alaykum,I first saw this rose halwa which is a fragrant agar set milk jelly over on Faaiza’s blog Modest Munchies.
Instantly drawn in by the pink hue I knew it was something I had to make!
mine isn’t pink because I didn’t have the rooh afza / rose syrup required and seem to have mislaid my small jar of pink colour paste.

After seeing another commenter ask if rose water could be used instead I was all ears eyes and indeed it can along with sugar and optional food colouring.

I still wanted the pop of colour. It just so happened  ma shaa Allah we had a punnet of fresh English strawberries then I remembered the combo of strawberry and rose works well together but I didn’t want too much contrast in texture so I macerated the strawberries.

I was familiar with the concept but didn’t have a clue what it really meant, until afterwards I looked up the term macerate which is a culinary term: to soften by soaking in liquid and can also mean to cause to waste away by fasting which is apt since it’s Ramadan the month of fasting for Muslims and during this month our hearts soften in obedience to and remembrance of Allah.

After the month of Ramadan we have a celebration called EID al fitr. This halwa is a welcomed addition to our EID table. I’m sharing this recipe to Asiya from Chocolate and Chillies & Sarah from Flour and Spice ‘s virtual party EID Eats!


Adapted from Modest Munchies
Serves: 3
UK Cup = 250 millilitres


2 Cups whole milk
3/4 teaspoon agar agar powder
2 tablespoon rose water (or to taste)
3-5 tablespoon white sugar (i used granulated and again to taste)
1/2 cup cream (i used single but any suitable for cooking is fine)
To serve:
macerated strawberries
optional ground whole almonds and saffron threads


  1. Place milk into a small saucepan on high heat. Add in agar agar, rose water and sugar, stir constantly until milk starts to bubble and agar is dissolved.
  2. Add cream and bring the mixture to a full boil then switch off the heat. Pour liquid through fine mesh sieve into a medium sized bowl then pour mixture into ramekin or desired vessel. Set aside to cool then place in fridge.
  3. Wash and slice strawberries then place in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar add a little water from a freshly boiled kettle(you could add some more rose water at this stage) stir then set aside to soften.
  4.  Before serving top each halwa with strawberries, almonds and saffron. Serve with more strawberries on the side.
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